LOVE is my Word of the Year (WOTY)
I make these screenprints of words over gelli prints that are printed on my own journal pages, notes and recycled paper. I call the process Magic Loves a Void after the first series I ever made.
I had ideas about doing a word a week in this style and then making photocopies of the originals and pinning them up around towns. My thought was for people to enjoy some art and hopefully my message. I applied for a grant to help me with the project. I didn’t get it.
Despite this lack of funding, I continue to make these screenprints.
I am still totally compelled to share my art in ways that makes it accessible for everyone.
I have many stacks and this week I am finally going to hang them up. I added this cool component of tearing mini words like one might see on fliers posted. I am excited. I hope you enjoy!
PS LOVE is my Word of the Year (WOTY). It’s been cool to see how this word, its message and teachings show up for me. I am learning and experiencing alot through my WOTY’s influence.