We hear your SOS and we’re responding!
Our response is an invitation to you and your peers to come together for community art making in our abundant, spacious art studio. A space where synchronicities abound - ripe with possibility and connection.
It’s a place to come together to create, commune, mitigate burn out, and tap into your vital energy.
Please join us if you are a helping professional caring for people - mind, body & spirit - as a therapist, social worker, psychologist, psychiatrist, expressive art & creative arts therapist, school-based social worker or anyone in the health care profession.
Each session will be punctuated by a variety of invitations to deepen your creative practice including:
Mindful opening and closing
Optional conversation
Invitations to witness and be witnessed on your creative journey
Open Studio style art making includes a wide variety of materials to draw, collage, paint, print, sculpt, sew, weave and invent as your imagination allows!
All gender expressions welcome
In-person in New Haven, CT
Masks optional
What are we missing? You tell us and we can make sure the materials are available.